четверг, 23 ноября 2017 г.

10 interesting facts on fast food

10 interesting  facts on fast food

McDonald's is visited by 90 percent of American children on a monthly basis
Описание: Fast food trivia

One fast food hamburger contains meat from up to 100 different cows

Описание: Fast food trivia


French fries are the most popular type of fast food in America

Описание: Fast food trivia

A Frosty from Wendy's contains 14 ingredients

Описание: Fast food trivia

Taco Bell's taco salad has more than 52 grams of fat

Описание: Fast food trivia


Fountain soda machines contain fecal bacteria

Описание: Fast food trivia

American's don't visit fast food chains the most

Описание: Fast food trivia

Hash browns are worse than cheeseburgers

Описание: Fast food trivia

Strawberry milkshakes contain more than 50 different chemicals

Описание: Fast food trivia

Fast food restaurants aren't slowing down anytime soon

Описание: Fast food trivia

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